Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hi, I'm Gabby!

Hi, I'm Gabby I am 6 years old. I love art and writing. Check out my picture I made. Isn't it cool?! It's about emotions. I also enjoy selling things in my house. I make art and my dad pays for Rm1 ( ringgit). If you want to see more of my art, pls go to

This blog is so cool. Hello aunties and uncles in Manila, Ms. Wee Sim, Lisa, my cousins and friends around the world, etc...please comment on my blog.
Here is a picture of me holding a tarsier from Bohol, Philippines.

Love Gabby


Anonymous said...

hi gabby,

great picture! RM1 for each picture? wow, you must be rich by now considering how much you love drawing! :)

hugs to you and your little sister dani.

missing you both,
tita malou :)

cordoba1 said...

HI Cherry,

Just to let you know how much Estee and I enjoy being with the Africa family yesterday, esp your 2 lovely children. We seriously envy you for having 2 wonderful daughters...

Keep in touch, lets catch up one of the Sundays....

Take care.

B rgds
Peter Tan